WINDOWS, upgraded

Windows 10 was a huge upgrade, bringing back some beloved features like the Start menu and some great new ones like Cortana. We played off some other things that have been upgraded over time for a fresh approach to promote Windows 10.

Creative Director: Dan Weeks
Designer: Olivia Flory
Copy writer: Mireya Peralez
Production artist: Tess Ball

Windows 10

These tweets were created as a fun way to highlight some of the Windows 10 features while appealing to our tech fans.

Creative Director: Dan Weeks
Designer: Olivia Flory
Copy writers: Mireya Peralez, Alida Morreston, and Bryce Isaacson

Windows Insider contest

Microsoft held a contest to bring 10 Windows Insiders, the millions of people who downloaded the preview of Windows 10, from all around the world to the Redmond campus for an exclusive tour. The series of tweets were used to build excitement around the upcoming contest and remind Insiders to enter.

Creative Director: Dan Weeks
Designer: Olivia Flory
Copy writer: Michael Reiner

WINDOWS Powers the World

Windows is used by many people every day, even if we don't always know it, we wanted share with our followers some of the things Windows helps power all over the world.

Creative Director: Dan Weeks
Designer: Olivia Flory
Copy writers: Mireya Peralez, and Alida Morreston

People of Action

Windows created short videos of six people of action who are using Windows to do great things in their communities. We picked out quotes from the videos to entice our followers to click through and watch the videos.

Creative Director: Dan Weeks
Designer: Olivia Flory
Copy writer: Michael Reiner

Windows Milestones

We wanted to remind our followers of the great Windows achievements over the years, we looked through the Microsoft archive to find images associated with the different milestones the company accomplished and added them to the Facebook timeline.

Creative Director: Dan Weeks
Designer: Olivia Flory
Copy writer: Mireya Peralez